Purpose: A place for notes, change requests, etc. for the Softdocs Thank You Note.

Important: The Thank You Notes need to be fully converted before we can go live with Genisys SS9. The current platform will no longer be supported after the upgrade.

Draft Thank You Note Softdoc URL: https://regentcentral.etrieve.cloud/Index#/form/126

Advancement Thank You Note Review Interface: https://vsweb6.regent.edu/donorThankyouNotes/home.cfm

Related Articles: 

The Thank You Note needs additional process changes outside of a simple form conversion. These are:

  1. Have a single thank you note tracking code (see Ledbetter exception) that is posted via a population selection to any student with a packaged award that is tagged (via a message in RFRMGMT) as needing a note). This will heavily reduce maintained tracking codes and will allow the student to submit a single note, even if they have multiple scholarships that require a note.
    • The message code IFTY should be added to all funds that currently have a thank you note required (this will serve as our indicator that one is needed). The code IFTN should be added to all other donor funded awards if they do not require the submission of a note (in this way we can QA that the question of the note has been answered, rather than a thank you note tag simply omitted in the fund set up). IT can batch post these messages to the funds, we just need to send them a list of fund codes and which aid years to post. Please have Compliance updateour Fund Code Creation and RTVMESG Codes documentation with this information as we go live. Outstanding notes in an R/I status will need to be waived and the new notes posted to the active aid year when we are ready to go live. Then the thank you note codes in RTVTREQ need to be inactivated (except for the Trailblazer, see "exceptions", below).
      • I pulled the list of the codes and attached them here. RM 10/03/2024
      • The list is with Chris to see if he can batch post them. RM 10/08/2024
      • The message codes have been posted. RM 10/10/2024
    • Tracking code to use for all thank you notes: ITHANK Regent: Scholarship Thank You Note
      • The instructions on this need to be created and information access turned on once we have the URL for the softdoc. Placeholder text exists at the moment. 
        • Instructions to add: Scholarship recipients are asked to write a brief letter of appreciation to the scholarship founder. We feel it is important to honor our donors for their gracious gifts and the opportunities they have made possible for Regent students. Click <b><a href="INSERT URL HERE"style="color:#0000ff">here</a></b> to access and complete the online note of appreciation form. Your letter will be printed on university letterhead and then forwarded to the donor(s) on your behalf. By accepting this scholarship, you agree that Regent University may from time to time notify the donor of your name, amount received, and current contact information.
  2. Advancement needs a tool where they can filter on different scholarships to see the recipient and access the note. This will exist in Virtuous (a new CRM being built for Advancement). Torrie in IT is lead on this portion.
  3. The ability for the student to upload things like pictures, a handwritten note, etc should be in place. Copies of the uploads need to be accessible to Advancement (work with IT on this) and also SFA (sent to appxtender is fine).


  1. The note for the Ledbetter (Trailblazer) scholarship has some customized text and needs to stay separate. Additionally, an annual "professional plans update" needs to be built for the Ledbetter Scholarship. Student submissions need to be sent to appxtender, but also routed to Advancement and SPC. See the project notes here.
  2. The Long Scholarship has an agreement form that needs to simply be routed to appxtender and satisfied in RRAAREQ when they do it.