To enable Turnitin Plagiarism Review on a Canvas Assignment as an instructor, perform the following simple steps. 

1.  Navigate to your Canvas course and locate the desired assignment.  

2.  Enter the assignment and select "Edit" at the top right. 

3.  Scroll down past the assignment description box, submission type, and number of attempts settings until you reach "Plagiarism Review".  

4.  Select the option for "Turnitin" from the dropdown menu. 

5.  Select the desired settings for the Turnitin report and proceed to the bottom of the screen to save your changes.  For more information regarding these settings, visit Learn more about Turnitin settings

Note:  Turnitin requires a Due Date to be set for the assignment in the assignment details. 

What if students have already submitted their work? 

If students have already begun submitting to the assignment before Turnitin is enabled, you may still enable Turnitin using the above steps.  

Once enabled, Turnitin will queue any submissions to be processed in their system.  This may take several hours to complete and generate a similarity report.  If you do not see a similarity report after allowing several hours, you may enter the Canvas Speedgrader for the assignment and select "Resubmit to Turnitin" for any missing reports. 

Helpful articles for Turnitin

Interpreting the Similarity Report

Viewing similarity matches

What are the colored flags in the Canvas Gradebook? 
Click here for more details.