How to allow a single student a second attempt for an assignment (After the availability date has passed)

(To avoid this issue all together just allow multiple attempts)


  1. After the availability until date has ended, navigate to the assignment, and click edit.

A red arrow pointing to a white boxDescription automatically generated 


  1. Change the Allowed Attempts from 1 to 2. A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated


  1. Under Assign to click on the +Add button. 

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated






  1. Select the student from the dropdown list under Assign to.

A screen shot of a graphDescription automatically generated


  1. Select a new Available Until date for the student.  Click Save.

A red arrow pointing to a calendarDescription automatically generated   A close-up of a buttonDescription automatically generated


  1. The single student should now be able to resubmit the assignment.


(NOTE: If the availability date has not passed or if there are no dates set, then adjusting the number of attempts will adjust it for everyone.)