To access Panopto Content, first go to the Panopto Video link.
1. Locate your video within your folders. (If the course ID of the folder your video is in matches your current class, skip the permissions step. If it is inside of a different course folder that does not match your current class, please see the end of this guide.)
2. Ensure permissions within share are set to “Your Organization (unlisted) Anyone at your org who has the link.” If this has not been set, only you can see your video. (If your video is already within your class, this setting will not be necessary to change. Skip to step 3.)
3. Share the video in your class using one of the following methods:
Copy the shareable link and paste it wherever is needed for your assignment using Ctrl+V.
Use the Panopto icon in a text submission box on your assignment to embed a video.
If your video is in a different class folder:
Change the location of the video by clicking on edit.
Within Overview, select the folder and then choose “edit.” Change the folder to a generic folder (such as "My Folder"), or, if available, to the class folder corresponding to your course. Return to step 2 and relocate your video to share it.